2018 2019 complete
Mr. Michael Miller, advisor
Mrs. Suezette Given, advisor
Gracemarie Williams Shahenda Nissan Jillian Butler Katrina Harasts Ananya Bhat
Submissions All students of Lazar Middle School are eligible to submit original artwork and writing for consideration for publication in the magazine. Students are eligible to submit as many items as they would like for consideration.
Submissions should be submitted electronically to thewriteeye@montville.net.
Club Information Write Eye meets with the purpose of perusing submissions to be included in the magazine. The students are responsible for item selection and completion of the magazine. All students are welcome to attend meetings.
Colophon The magazine was typed on school computers using Microsoft Word, various Google apps, and various photo editing programs. The magazine used Segoe Print font text of various sizes.
Write Eye | 19
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