Write Eye full magazine 2021
The Relative of a Wolf
He crouches low to the ground Legs bending and pushing off the ground slowly as he walks quietly He starts to run in an almost slow motion way Making no noise beside the thump of paws that only a prey animal would really recognize or care about Instincts of wild animals running in a pack flash across him like lightning A low yet quiet growl rises from his throat His mouth opens slightly but just enough to show the many sharp teeth that are there for eating tough meats and for fighting He leap at his sister who jerks around in shock It's too late now They are in a game of who is stronger and more powerful They stop to inhale the air around them smelling of growing grass and the scent of birds and bugs A voice calls each pup by their name The pups know what time it is Time to eat dinner of chicken and other wonderful things
They go inside the house Tails wagging behind them Ears standing tall on their heads
Muscles working then relaxing with each trot step they take Into the cozy house to fill their tummies and sleep in warm beds Deep down in each pup though is the ancestors of the wolf
Ashley Sepe
Ashley Sepe Untitled, colored pencil sketch
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